Same Grades

Same Grades

by Turner Zischka


During the day I work

I work as if there was nothing else in this world that matters

During the morning I play my shiny, two tone, Jupiter Trumpet

Shiny from polish, and loving care

Then I will work all the way to noon,

solving arithmetic and geometrically and exponentially.

At noon is were I get my break to play games of all sort.

Like Magic the Gathering and Video Games on my HP.

After noon I work to study the world, all of its inhabitants

and how they will all react to everything.

All I do during the day is work , whether I like it or not.

All work and no play make Jack a dull boy


During the Night I will sit and work

most of what I do is homework and extra work

I will study and complete assignments and late classwork too.

All of which I must complete

otherwise I have failed.

The drive to succeed has brought me far,

but it can only get me so much further

for I can only run as long as I have fuel.

But this fuel is low and drying quickly

And I must stop sooner or later.

Just like all things in this world.

The Great American Teenager Model

The Great American Teenager Model

by Turner Zischka


All of the teenagers must be hip and cool

with the latest clothing and newest phone

and a bright shiny car.


Obsessed over name brands

such as Apple, Abercrombie, and American Apparel.

If she is a girl then she must always wear tight fitting yoga pants

and a whole bucket of covergirl makeup.


If it is a he then they must always be disruptive when others try to learn in school

and must always be incredibly stupid and try to pull of stunts that endanger his well being.


They must all be signed on with Facebook, Twitter, tumblr, and Myspace.

and have their life be displayed freely all over, like they are unique.


They must do poorly in every class in high school

and asked why, they simply respond “I’m not that good.”


They will always take pictures of themselves and everything they do.

and take pictures with them puckering their lips as if they were a duck.


If they are a girl they most always have a hidden feeling

a feeling which at it’s base is nothing more than a false identity.


If they are a boy then they must be always show their superiority

and in that quest, show no heart and bully those who are weaker.


Even though they might think they are special.

The question is asked again and again.

But the answer we hold is merely just a lie.

Theme for English 2

Theme for English 2

by Turner Zischka

The instructor said

go back to were you spend your days and

write a poem of consisting of: 15 lines, hilarious figurative language,

and filled with images that will paint their way across the canvas of your mind.

Let these lines come out of you

be something true to you.

In the truth, I am doing what I need to do

I sit in the house down the across the street

from the Round Table Pizza,

at the end of the court in the dainty small brown house.

Here I sit and write this poem with the skill of a newborn coloring his first masterpiece.

And even though I am young, smart, and regularly creative?

Will this page be beautifully, amazing, and even more creative.

It can be as dull and unimaginative, for which the like I have never seen.

For even though I may be something

that is still waiting to spread its wings.

It is up to the living soul that I will conjure here.

Will you want to read it?

Will I give laughs and joy a plenty

I won’t know for a time long spent waiting

but this is my paper for English 2.

You Bring Out The Aspiring Student in Me

“You bring out the Aspiring Student in Me”

by Turner Zischka

You bring out the Aspiring Student in me

the intense book worm in me

the intensely organized planner

the person like the embodiment of perfect

I want to be the best, the valedictorian

always more than the last.

Your bring out the aspiring Student in me


You bring out the timely student in me

the perfectly calm and collected person in me

the academic integrity in me

the perfectly organized micro manager.

the scholar that has no break inbetween th countless things he does everyday

the amazing fit athlete

You bring out the aspiring student in me.


You bring out the person who always want to be like you

the person who always want to do the best

just to please you

to make you happy.

Their is nothing more that I want

then to make you happy

and reap all the rewards.


I Am

“Who I am”

Turner Zischka

I am from small house at the end of a shallow streets end

the one that is as the color of an old potato sack.

I am from the endless piles

of toasted rice cereal gobbled with gluttony

I am the person aspiring to be the very best

great at everything he tries,

never faltering, never stopping.

But alas, he is not, nor will he be soon.

One who tried many things,

but few of which will consistently persist.

I am the endless humming drone of a fan

running laps around a track for hours on end

cooling a computer used for days

with not a break as for the end.

I am the day after day spent at a cheery old woman’s

comfortably welcoming as a fire blazes in the black steel stove.

And the countless more days spent at the others.

I am the person who uses critical strategy

to win games played with thin cardboard strips

designed with the care of a loving lion mother gives to her cub.

I am the pink stuffed lovable cartoon pig that I keep under my bed

as a reminder of the kid I once was.

Liking little interlocking plastic bricks

and shells with orange gooey cheese

and all the moments good and bad.

Long gone to the to the virtual world of

PVP and PVE.

Were did I come from and were will I go?

I wasn’t who I was.

Nor will I be in times waiting to be seen.